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26 June 2008

Back to the good old days...

...of "No Irish need apply."
-- U.K. -- Equality minister Harriet Harman has set out plans to allow firms to discriminate in favour of female and ethnic minority job candidates.

She said firms should be able to choose a woman over a man of equal ability if they wanted to - or vice versa.
And, if your Granny ever harboured any fantasies about being a firefighter... there's good news there too...
The plans, which will be adopted first across England then Wales and Scotland, will also ban all age discrimination.

Setting out the plans in a Commons statement, Ms Harman said the proposed bill - due later this year - would "address the serious inequalities that still exist" in the UK.
The "serious inequalities"... unlike in, you know... the socialist paradise of Zimbabwe.

Good grief.
