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14 June 2008

And bear in mind...

They're not simply making this shite up... they're also getting you, the taxpayer... to pay for it...
"I can tell you right now, having read every ruling issued by the Alberta HRC is recent years, that there is no "Maria", and there is no "Maria's story".

There has never been a ruling about a woman whose parents came to Canada from Mexico, who was upset about Mexican jokes that aren't funny."

"It's a fabrication."

"That's called propaganda -- telling new Latino immigrants that they're coming to a bigoted province, where Mexicans are treated poorly."
Only in Canada, you say?


"The Government of Alberta has issued a pamphlet stereotyping members of certain ethnic minorities as whining, pathetic losers."

"That is discrimination."

LAST WORD: More Victimology
Support of the Politically Correct Tryanny attracts strange bedfellows. With the swing in public opinion clearly moving against them Haroon & Farber have turned to race baiting as their last sordid defense.
(via bcf)