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23 May 2008

Whaddaya mean fight back?

That's so un-Canadian.
City council is moving to stem the flow of development dollars from the community by hitting native protesters with an injunction that includes a request for $110 million in damages.
But the city of Brantford has decided not to take it anymore.
Mayor Mike Hancock said Wednesday that council started a court action against the Haudenosaunee Development Institute, protesters Floyd and Ruby Montour and other individuals.

"We, as a council, felt we had no option, given the damage being done to the city and the reputation of the city," said Hancock.
Of course, if the provincial government was the least bit interested in upholding the law of the land, it wouldn't have come to this point.
The mayor said the economic impact of the protests and work stoppages is comparable to the city's loss of the Massey farm equipment manufacturing plant in the 1980s.

"It could take 10 years to recover from what's been done already."
So, yet another stand... against fuzzy-bunny political correctness.

Twice in one day... "be still my heart."
