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07 May 2008

Way to audible, Peyton

I hear those Judges have a real sense of humour.
-- TORONTO -- An Islamic convert facing terrorism charges was re-arrested after trying to walk out of his own trial Tuesday – saying simply that “I'm outta here” – after telling the court he wouldn't recognize Canadian law.

The 20-year-old, who can't be identified because he was underage at the time of his arrest two years ago, had been released on bail.

But he spent last night in jail, and his legal future is unclear.
Good thing this young man has a spiritual advisor...
A Toronto Muslim preacher told The Globe that the suspect had been coming to Friday prayers, saying that he'd rather return to jail than live in a non-Islamic household.

Mr. Hindy added that the young man is “confused” and that “lots of young people, they need guidance.”

The young man had lately been expressing an interest in circumcising himself, the imam said, consistent with his understanding of what the Prophet Abraham had done.