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14 May 2008

"They're done apologizing."

"They didn't want a fight; they did everything reasonable to avoid one, even swallowing their pride and accepting Warman's incredible denials at face value."

"But now that Warman's suing, they're fighting back."

RELATED: So, apparently, is Johnny Maudlin...
"For the record (one more time into the breach) I suppose I should never have made a comment about Kathy's weight challenge. Although she does not seem to be troubled making reference to my brain damage challenge. Still, I should rise above and all of that..."
But, of course, ol' Johnny can't actually do that...
"What I wrote is that Kathy is miserable. Now, I cannot prove that scientifically, so I won't ask for grant money to further my research."
You mean your "Smoking Dope Does Make You Smarter" project?

Hey Johnny, a little advice from Keith Richards... only take as much as you need -- not as much as you want.
