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09 May 2008

Thank you... Sockpuppet 3

Even the professional pinksters at Eye Magazine... are groovin' on Mark Steyn.
"You can’t be multicultural in Saudi Arabia. I can’t go to Riyadh and say, I’m uncomfortable with the alcohol prohibition here and I’d like to open a Hooters and hold wet T-shirt contests on Friday night to celebrate my culture."

"They’d say, ‘See you later.’ And chop my hand off on the way out."
It was actually millionaire uber-lefty Heather Reisman who didn't get a rave review...
But it was Reisman who ended the show on the hot seat, explaining her rationale for keeping certain things out of Indigo, a right backed by Steyn.

After all, the store is as private a property as Maclean’s, who refuse to be legislated into running editorial content under the guise of being good for Canadian society.

Her statement on the matter went over like a lead zeppelin with the audience, which queued up to books signed by Steyn — a line that took him two hours to satisfy.
They have another debate and Mark's gonna have to start givin' them a piece of the action.

Elmo must be bleedin' from his eyes.
