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11 May 2008

Sunday night CTV moonbat moment

You won't see it on their website... but the CTV 11 o'clock news managed to dig up some middle-eastern commentator who characterised the murderous Hezbollah raids in Lebanon... some sort of miraculous Arab political renaissance... unlike, and I'm quoting here, the "violent policies of the Bush government."
-- BEIRUT -- "Thirty-eight people have died in the fighting, which began Wednesday after tensions between the government and Hezbollah-led opposition hit a boiling point."

"It has been the country's worst instance of sectarian violence since the 1975-1990 civil war."
They just never miss an opportunity... even when it has nothing to do with what's actually going on.


RELATED: Say it enough, it becomes the truth
Beirut was calm over the weekend as Hezbollah withdrew its gunmen shortly after capturing the western half of the city.

However, fighting flared up Sunday in Tripoli, in the north of the country, and in the villages of Mount Lebanon, to the southeast of the capital. At least 53 people have been killed and more than 150 injured since fighting broke out in the middle of last week.

“Our fight is not Sunni-Shia. It is between the resistance and America and its spies and agents in Lebanon,” said Abu Ali Zain.
That evil, supernatural George Bush... he's everywhere.
