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16 May 2008

Sorry Poindexter...

We're a decade gone... and you still can't fire this puppy up... maybe splittin' atoms just isn't your thing...
AECL, a 4,800-employee federal Crown corporation, had said that the reactors would upon completion "be able to provide a reliable, uninterrupted supply of radioisotopes for decades to come."
Thank goodness somebody's willing to throw the brakes on here.
"After 12 years, these reactors have never worked and never produced medical isotopes," the federal government said in a joint news release from Health Minister Tony Clement and Natural Resources Minister Gary Lunn.
And it isn't just the politicians that were worried.
"These reactors tended to race out of control, so you simply couldn't operate on them," said Gordon Edwards of the Canadian Coalition for Nuclear Responsibility.

Edwards called the shutdown inevitable since "the reactors have never worked," he said.

"It seems to be just a waste," he told CBC News from Montreal.
Funny... it never seemed to bother the Fiberals.
