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10 May 2008

See Stephane...

That's why it's called jail... and not the Ramada Inn...
Stéphane Bernier, 38, said in a phone interview yesterday that inmates are upset with everything from the way they are being treated by guards to the cleanliness of their living quarters.

"People are really getting fed up with it," he said. "If things don't start smartening up, people are going to get very upset."

"You're in a dorm with 30 people, no windows open, people are farting, you're breathing in their farts, it's just really, really inhumane," he said.
Good grief... in Canada, even the criminals are pussies. When I was a kid... this was called the tv room. I'm thinkin', in a real lockup, whiny little Stephane would be serially passed around the cellblock... by the psycho-bikers with the most cigarettes.

But Stephane's not the only witness to depravity, by any means.
Andrew Nellis, an organizer for the Ottawa Panhandlers' Union, recently spent five days in the facility. Mr. Nellis says the jail's "abysmal" conditions are poor enough that they have caught the eye of those in the legal system.
Good gawd... that is way beyond shocking!

They have a Panhandlers' Union in Ottawa?

(h/t mike at rideau reflections)


"I was chatting with a friend of mine who used to work in the Pen. He said they had all sorts of sensitivity training courses."

"At one of them he was asked what he would say if he walked by an inmate who was mopping the floor and the inmate told him to F-off. He asked, "Do you mean what would I say after I shoved the mop up his ass?"

"Wrong answer."

LAST WORD: Even a baby can see it

I remember when my son was about two... and just beginning to talk in sentences... Mrs. N told me a story about the two of them sitting watching "North of Sixty" on television one day.

Apparently, at one point, the cop was was bringing lunch to a prisoner in the little jail, which roused my be-diapered son to loudly proclaim, "Thur in jail... thur should not be feeded!"
