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15 May 2008

The scary, hidden agenda...

Of that scheming control-freak... Dalton McGuinty...
Premier Dalton McGuinty "read the riot act" to Liberal MPPs in a tense closed-door meeting after some of them grumbled about him to the Star.

Sources say McGuinty ordered staff members out of the government caucus room on Tuesday afternoon, then "lit into" cabinet ministers and backbenchers over a Saturday Star story.

Quoting Liberal MPPs, who asked that their names not be used, the article disclosed a growing concern that too much power is concentrated in the premier's office.

McGuinty was unhappy to read that some in his cabinet and caucus feel he freezes them out on issues as disparate as revamping the legislative schedule, reconsidering the reading of the Lord's Prayer in the House and scrapping regional political ministers' posts.
It all comes around... doesn't it?
