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10 May 2008

The one and only PJ O'Rourke

Gives a commencement speech...
"Don't moan. I'm not going to 'pass the wisdom of one generation down to the next.' I'm a member of the 1960s generation. We didn't have any wisdom. We were the moron generation."

"We were the generation that believed we could stop the Vietnam War by growing our hair long and dressing like circus clowns. We believed drugs would change everything -- which they did, for John Belushi."

"We believed in free love. Yes, the love was free, but we paid a high price for the sex."
Read it all.


BONUS RIFF: The Liberty Manifesto
"There is only one basic human right, the right to do as you damn well please. And with it comes the only basic human duty, the duty to take the consequences."