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02 May 2008

Lawyer-speak for...

C'mon... just give a scummy crack dealin' killer a break...
"No doubt his notoriety will follow him forever," his lawyer Gary Batasar said outside of a Brampton courtroom.

"He's got three kids. He wants to turn his life around."
I dunno, Gary... he's sure got a funny way of showing it.

Hey, let's ask Vivi Leimonis what to do.

Oh, that's right, we can't... BECAUSE SHE'S DEAD.


Say, whatever happened to this guy's banger buddies?
Brown is currently serving a life prison sentence after being found guilty of first-degree murder.

A third man charged in the cafe slaying, O'Neil Grant, was acquitted. He was deported to Jamaica, where he was shot to death in November 2007.