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13 May 2008

It's all relative, isn't it?

Funny, she didn't seem too surprised to hear... that he was dealing arms to terrorists.

It seems the fig doesn't fall too far... from the tree...
According to a court-produced transcript, when the RCMP asked Abdullah Khadr whether he was a member of al-Qaeda, he responded “No, I only buy and sell weapons for al-Qaeda.”

UPDATE: Yeah, Romeo... we're the terrorists
-- OTTAWA -- If Canada doesn't act to protect human rights in the case of Omar Khadr, the country is no better than terrorists, Liberal Senator Romeo Dallaire told a parliamentary subcommittee Tuesday.

“Is it your testimony that al-Qaeda strapping up a 14-year-old girl with Down's Syndrome and sending her into a pet market to be remotely detonated is the moral equivalent to Canada's not making extraordinary political efforts for a transfer of Omar Khadr to this country?” he asked.

“Is that your position?”

"If you want a black and white, and I'm only too prepared to give it to you."

"Absolutely," he said.
Even Steffi is apparently furiously backstrokin' to get away from this one.
Liberal Leader Stephane Dion said he disagreed with Dallaire's choice of words, and hinted the senator could be disciplined.

"This is a matter to deal with the party whip, and we'll deal with that," Dion told reporters.

RELATED: In other Toronto terror news...
Davies also recounted a disturbing day last month when the suspect returned home from a court appearance. "He stayed at the table, talking to himself. He bought new clothes for about $2,000. He cut these clothes to pieces.

He said, `I'm going to kill myself with a knife.' When he comes home from school, he holds his head and cries out loud."

I'm pretty sure I've never owned $2000 worth of clothes in my life, but... and maybe this is just me... I'm pretty sure the verdict was already in, when this dumbstick was talking about circumsising himself.
