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13 May 2008

Help me out here, General

The first couple hundred people here, are what... deductible?
The Lebanese army has said it is prepared to use force to disarm gunmen and restore order across the country. It follows a week of clashes between supporters of the Western-backed government and the Hezbollah-led opposition.

At least 60 people are believed to have died in the violence.
Judging from his lack of action and impotent statements, General Suleiman is apparently confusing the Lebanese Army with the United Nations...
An army statement issued late on Monday said: "Army units will prevent any violations, whether by individuals or groups, in accordance with the law even if this is going to lead to the use of force."
Sure it will... in your dreams, Michel.

Now, that's Jack Layton's kind of war.


RELATED: Yip, yip... yap, yap, yap...
-- UNITED NATIONS -- As the authorities in Myanmar raised the cyclone death toll to nearly 32,000 and admitted one American military aircraft, Secretary General Ban Ki-moon pressed the junta on Monday to accept international assistance.

He expressed “deep concern and immense frustration” with what he called “the unacceptably slow response to this grave humanitarian crisis.”
And then he went and had lunch at a five-star restaurant in Manhattan, no doubt.

Another wonderful piece of political theatre from the people who eagerly elected Libya to chair the U.N. "Commission on Human Rights."
What countries could see value in undermining human rights? Commission members such as China, Cuba, Sudan, Syria and Zimbabwe spring to mind.

No doubt Libya can count on their eager support in quashing investigations into true human-rights abuses, instead focusing the Commission's resources on issues like the death penalty in the United States -- a cause sure to elicit support from human-rights groups while leaving the far worse records of repressive governments carefully cloaked