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29 May 2008

A glimmer of hope...

For the Canadian judicial system.
-- HAMILTON -- The Ontario government has been denied an appeal in its bid to block a potential class-action suit being filed in Caledonia.

Justice David Crane dismissed the Ontario government's application to kill the lawsuit in December and has now ruled the province cannot appeal his decision for his moral cowardice.
It's about time Premier McSlippery got called to account.
The suit alleges the county, police and province broke laws by allowing the closure of Argyle Street, the closure of the Highway 6 bypass, interruption of hydro in Caledonia, and by failing to enforce court injunctions.
Then again... if McGuinty loses... it's us, the Ontario taxpayer... who ends up payin' the freight.

Sigh... there's just no winnin' this thing, is there?
