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27 May 2008

From the folks who brought you...

The Protocols of the Elders of Zion...
In 2003, northern Nigeria stopped immunizing its children against polio. Hard-line Nigerian clerics called for the boycott. They accused Western countries, led by the United States, of contaminating the polio vaccine to render Muslims infertile or infect them with the AIDS virus.

As a consequence, the polio virus spread from Nigeria and reinfected 23 polio-free countries around the world, including nations as far away as Indonesia and Yemen, causing nearly 1500 children to be paralyzed for life.
The capricious and unknowable "Will of Allah."


RELATED: Meanwhile... back at the ranch
"I mean, sorry, he's an idiot."

"And he can't arrest me for saying that because, first of all, it's true, and, second of all, even if it's just my opinion, well, welcome to Canada, buddy."

"We allow freedom of speech."