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20 May 2008

Fierce debate, huh?

Well then, thank goodness people in Quebec are so open-minded about this kind of thing...
A Montreal English-language newspaper has sparked fierce debate over what it says are leaked portions of a report from Quebec's commission on the reasonable accommodation of immigrants.
So, what sort of things are up for debate?
According to articles in the Montreal Gazette published over the weekend, chapters of the final report of the Consultation Commission on Accommodation Practices Related to Cultural Differences recommend Quebec francophones open their minds, get informed and learn more English.
Yup... excuse me... while I go get my debating helmet.


RELATED: Speaking of "opening things up"
"The federal Conservative Party of Canada, like the two major parties in the U.S., will put some bloggers on the same footing as the mainstream media for their fall policy convention."
(via natnews)