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26 May 2008

The fairy-tale world of David Miller

"And nobody can deny that that hobby directly results in people being shot and killed on the streets of our city. Those are the facts."

"And they're provable again and again and again."
Well actually, your blondeness... they're not.
Of Canada's two million licensed gun owners, 111, or 0.00555%, used their firearm to murder someone.

On the other hand, in 2005, 64% of accused murderers had a prior criminal record, including 6% for homicide.
So... when the gangbangers have another running gunbattle... Mayor Miller calls for more social workers... but now, he's gonna shut down target ranges?

Let's see... who would that affect?
Toronto shooting coach Patrick Haynes said Canadians who compete in international shooting competitions will be at a loss if the two gun clubs lose their city permits.

Mr. Haynes is coaching his fiancée, Avianna Chao, set to compete at two events at the Beijing Olympics.

He said she qualified for the Olympics after training at the Don Montgomery centre shooting range and now trains at the Union Station range.

RELATED: Toronto "Red" Star asks...

Why can't evil target shooters... be more like this paragon of virtue?
Outlaw biker Francesco (Frank, Cisco) Lenti has been calm, polite and tidy in jail after being arrested for fatally shooting a Hells Angel, and his good behavior has rubbed off on other maximum security prisoners, Lenti's manslaughter trial heard today.

"He is basically a model inmate," Mike Grimson, deputy chief superintendent of the Eastern Ontario Correctional Centre in Lindsay, told Newmarket court today.

LAST WORD: Once upon a taxpayer
Councillors, following an often heated debate, voted 31-5 Monday to spend an additional $2.6 million this year and $4.9 million in 2009 to get panhandlers into housing and social programs through the existing Streets to Homes program.

“They want some choice in their food and they want to deal with their addictions."
Of course they do... that's why they eat out of dumpsters and would cheerfully strangle granny for their next spike fulla' smack.
