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27 May 2008

Everybody wants...

To save the whales... but nobody wants to help mom with the dishes.
That can't be right... Steffi tells us Canadians are willing to pay extra to save the planet.

Let's check again this morning.


UPDATE: Maybe we tattoo a scarlet "C"...

On the foreheads of people who use too much energy...
Every adult should be forced to use a 'carbon ration card' when they pay for petrol, airline tickets or household energy, MPs say.

Anyone who exceeds their entitlement would have to buy top-up credits from individuals who haven't used up their allowance. The amount paid would be driven by market forces and the deal done through a specialist company.
(h/t reader rich)


RELATED: In other news from the leftosphere...
-- OHSWEKEN -- Aboriginal Affairs Minister Michael Bryant offered an olive branch to Six Nations yesterday with $1.6 million to launch a kidney dialysis treatment centre on the reserve.
Might as well cut out the middleman, huh?

And the community was quick to express their appreciation...