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09 May 2008

"D'uh Moment of the Week"

"ps. what's with the piece pic on yr profile? Guns kill people man."

-- Posted by Rob Budde to halls of macadamia at 11:14 AM, May 09, 2008 --
Rob... thank you for asking that particular question.

The picture you refer to... is of a Colt Government Model 1911 pistol that was given to my son's great-grandfather by his father... right before the former took a few years unscheduled vacation in bloody, muddy France... shortly after the turn of the 20th century.

It does indeed have a couple of bodies on it... the result of a trench raid by its intrepid owner.

Perhaps you could also take a moment Rob, to reflect upon the fact that... were it not for horrible, evil guns... you might not be sitting around at your computer trolling Conservative websites... you might instead be chained to a workbench in a concentration camp making industrial products for the Greater German Reich.

But again... thanks for asking.


BACKATCHA: -- So Rob... let me ask YOU something...

If you can get your panties in a knot about a mere picture of a gun on my blog... how come you're not strokin' out... over stuff like this?
"In the past three years she has been beaten twice, offered bribes not to testify in court, labelled a rat by members of her community, had all her windows smashed while she slept and seen a neighbour's house burned to the ground. Last week, she was hit with a shotgun blast while standing on her front step."

"Ms. Jebb is a target because she dared to stand up to the Indian Posse, one of Canada's largest gangs."
Oh, right... that's "different."

It's "all different" these days.


The whole idea that "guns kill people" is an anthropomorphic fallacy. A firearm is designed to accelerate a projectile down its barrel--that's all.

Anything further than this is a part of the intention formed by the human who wields the firearm.

To say that guns kill is the logical equivalent of "cars drive" or "pens write."

LAST WORD: Uh, Wayne... after the first 2 billion dollars...

Who's really counting?
Prince Edward Island MP Wayne Easter pointed to a published report last month that the government has foregone $56.5-million in fees through the amnesty and a separate waiver for licence-renewal fees over the next three years while the registry is expected to cost $35.9 million.
The real solution is to drive a stake through this monster's heart.
