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30 May 2008

Does anybody know...

If... "Burning Witches: The case for - and against"... is gonna be on the program at Durban II?
Kenya police have arrested 86 people in connection with killing of 11 elderly people suspected of being witches.

Last week, eight women and three men were burned to death in the western Kisii district, where belief in witchcraft is widespread.
But see... it's not like they didn't have justification to jump into action...
Villagers told reporters that they had evidence that the victims were witches.

They say they found an exercise book at a local primary school that contained the minutes of a "witches' meeting" which detailed who was going to be bewitched next.
Hey, I know Canada is gonna take a pass on the Durban conference... but maybe we should send them that CSC manual on religious practices.

It sure couldn't hurt.
