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02 May 2008

Did you hear about...

The statistician, who drowned in a lake that averaged only three feet deep?
-- NATPOST -- Nobody would argue that Canada is perfect, that all boats are lifted by a rising tide, and that nobody is left behind in poverty or less than ideal conditions. But this StatsCan report is actually a strong reflection of an economy that has lifted all boats that could be lifted.

The problem is that StatsCan buried the news. In one case, it actually omitted a core table that shows that Canadians in all income classes have gained over the last 25 years.

RELATED: You can't say that!
"'One challenge that I see emerging, given my frequent daily contact with members of our cultural community and new Canadians, is the challenge of intolerance or sometimes, frankly, hatred, that exists between immigrant communities, often from the same countries of origin,' he said."
