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01 May 2008

But wait... there's more!!!

Sure... it was a bit of a "bait and switch" but, this time, we've also got an endorsement from beloved Canadian political icon... Jack Layton...
Mr. Joseph acknowledged that what he billed as a settlement proposal is not substantially different from what his clients unsuccessfully demanded of the magazine last year, prior to their complaints.

"To us, there isn't much difference, but to Maclean's it might be huge," Mr. Joseph said, explaining that they no longer want to control the art design, and do not expect "unfettered" editorial control over the rebuttal, only that it be "long enough" and "mutually agreeable."

He also said the demand that Maclean's make a nominal financial contribution to a race relations charity has been dropped.
Well... imagine my relief.

Also... via SHAIDLE
Plucky and very cute Joseph Brean, being a true professional, left out the best part. When he raised his hand again to ask his fourth or fifth question, the lawyer got testy.

"Why are you asking so many questions?"

Brean deadpanned: "Because it's a, uh, press conference...?"