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01 May 2008

The Black Hole of Kanesatake

I understand the aboriginal community is a little unhappy that the government has the unmitigated nerve to actually audit where some of our tax money is going...
An initial review of financial activities in Kanesatake between April 2003 and March 2005 questioned $34 million in spending for security on the aboriginal territory, located about 60 kilometres northwest of Montreal.

The federal and provincial governments handed over the funds after then-grand chief James Gabriel pleaded for help to establish his own police force to fight organized crime.
Well... that's gotta be a good thing, right?
Gabriel hired 67 of his own officers to patrol the community of 1,300 but things turned ugly in January 2004 when the new force tried to raid the existing police station.

Members of the community surrounded the station and held the new force hostage for 36 hours.

Gabriel's house was burned to the ground and he and his police force fled the community, holing up in a hotel in nearby Laval for two years at a cost of $2 million.
Good grief.


WARNING: Spiking blood pressure advisory
"No, that's not a parody of the Twelve Days of Christmas."

"It's a list of Kanesatake Mohawk Police weapons that have disappeared."

LAST WORD: Did we buy this too?
Quebec provincial police say the lion was caught by officers at 12:45 a.m. Thursday after a woman saw it walking on Highway 105 and called police.

The 70-kilogram lion was reported missing on Tuesday night after it escaped from a man's home on the aboriginal reserve near Maniwaki.