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26 April 2008

You take all your tactical cues...

From HAMAS... don't be too surprised when the roof falls in on you...
"If we don't get this settled down soon, this is going to make Caledonia look like nothing," said one native protester who asked that his name not be used. "Six Nations protesters are on their way and so are the people who have been at Caledonia. This has nasty potential."
You just have to love the chutzpah here.

Even hardened, gangbangin' drug dealers in Toronto's west end... usually just fire a few shots and scamper back down their ratholes. Aboriginal protesters, in direct contrast, actually wade in and start beating police officers and threaten to bring out the heavy artillery, a la Oka.

These folks aren't entirely oblivious. They have to realise that, in the end, they are gonna be both outnumbered AND outgunned. The obvious strategy here... as in Gaza and at Ipperwash... is to provoke a heavy response. It's a chess game and the natives are hoping to exchange a pawn for the bishop of media outrage.

And hey, it works. There's no denying that Dudley George accomplished far more for "aboriginal causes" in death than he did in life.

And there is already a gathering storm.
Several witnesses confirmed the OPP had up to 150 officers and 50 vehicles already on site in this town, 50 kms west of Kingston, near the Mohawk Territory.

Sun Media's Pete Fisher said he was told by police that "they couldn't guarantee my safety" and he reported that he had never seen a bigger native protest scene. A whole field was set ablaze.
So far, with the OPP detachment in Napanee being their main opponent... the Mohawk protesters have managed to get away with, well... not quite murder. But the troops are massing and the rules of engagement are gonna twist and turn as things heat up.

They might wanna reconsider their HAMAS-based strategy.

Because that can get real ugly, real fast.


"You don't mean that when a situation involves the well meaning government and the granting of land to a "collective" where there is no real establishment of property rights that one native guy higher up on the social-ladder might actually rip the lower ones off?"

"That would never happen in Canada."