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10 April 2008

Wednesday Commuter Shooter

Gives a whole new meaning to the term "Rush Hour."
A gunfight between the occupants of two vehicles on a major Scarborough street during rush-hour last night sent one man to hospital with serious injuries.
Can you imagine being anywhere in the vicinity when this little donnybrook erupted? I betcha there wasn't an unpuckered asshole for a couple of blocks.
The vehicles were southbound on Markham Rd. at Progress Ave. in the city's east end around 6 p.m. when the bloody shootout erupted.

Police had Markham Rd. closed off between Ellesmere Rd. and Milner Ave. and the southbound exit off Hwy. 401 to Markham Rd. was also closed for about two hours.
Sure puts a broken photocopier... or that jerk in the next cubicle... in perspective, huh?

You live in Scarborough, it's time to start cruising eBay for that kevlar ensemble.


RELATED: "Live by the sword..."
"...die by the Ford".

LAST WORD: How about we ban stupidity instead?
“If we outlaw handguns completely then we know that anyone caught with a handgun is a criminal”.
What a stroke of genius!!!

The only problem here, Goober... is that it just doesn't go far enough.

What say, we outlaw criminal acts of any stripe? Then we could simply disband police forces across the land.

We could use all the money we save... to, I dunno... rehabilitate the endangered unicorns.

Sheer genius.
