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04 April 2008

That scary, hidden agenda

Yeah... who could possibly go along with this evil plan?
-- OTTAWA -- “What we're saying is if we're going to give money, we want to be able to do an audit on it to make sure that it's serving its purpose, that it's being spent on the programs that it was intended,” he said.

“We just want to make sure that – especially first nations – but all taxpayers know the money is being well spent.”

RELATED: First Nations have a fit... yet again

"Don't insult our (cough, cough) integrity."
Canada's largest native organization is accusing Conservatives of spreading falsehoods about aboriginals as Ottawa steps up audits of reserves and vows to publicize its findings.

"Consider a recent news story out of Alberta."

"According to information leaked to the Edmonton Journal the chief and councillors of the 360-member Horse Lake Indian band in Alberta make superstar salaries.

The chief took home $439,425 in tax-free salary last year (the equivalent of a $700,000 fully-taxable income). Two other councillors were paid just slightly less at $414,500, while the band's Director of Special Projects pocketed $435,000."

"To put it in perspective, the Premier of Alberta earned a taxable salary of $121,000 last year and the Prime Minister of our country earned a 'mere' $144,000."