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30 April 2008

That David Ahenakew...

Such a kidder...
"But Chief Lawrence Joseph says he doesn't believe his friend and the former national chief of the Assembly of First Nations ever meant it when he called Jews 'a disease' in 2002."

RELATED: Too much Chief... not enough logic
Mohawks of the Bay of Quinte Chief R. Donald Maracle said his council was still trying to keep peace Tuesday.

He said about 20 protesters met him at the band office Monday, where he encouraged them to stay calm, since negotiations for the land claim are underway.

"We've made our position known," he said.

"Making inflammatory comments only exacerbates the tension and only adds to the potential of people being hurt."
Uh, Chief... what about blockading a town and assaulting police officers?

That figure into your equation anywhere?
