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03 April 2008

Supremes 2 -- Trudeaupia 0

Hey, pal... 'Khawaja' think was gonna happen?
-- OTTAWA -- The Supreme Court of Canada, for the second time in a year, has turned down an effort by accused terrorist Mohammad Momin Khawaja to derail his prosecution on constitutional grounds.

Mr. Khawaja's lawyer, Lawrence Greenspon, had argued that the secrecy provisions violated guarantees of fundamental justice and fair trial under the Charter of Rights.

The Crown contends that the Ottawa software designer – who once worked at the Foreign Affairs Department – was part of an al-Qaeda-inspired cell that plotted bombings in Britain in 2004.
Okay... I guess we haven't totally surrendered.


RELATED: Brace yourself, bucko

It's only a matter of time... before one of these guys slips through the net...
"Two Air Canada flights - one bound for Montreal and the other destined for Toronto - were allegedly among the targets of the Britain-based cell, whose members said in recorded videos they were angry about the 'war against Muslims' in Afghanistan and Iraq."

"The eight suspects allegedly planned to board planes carrying liquid explosives hidden in sports-drink bottles. Police claim they intended to mix the ingredients in mid-air, causing an explosion."

"Up to 8 or 10 planes were to be hit at roughly the same time."