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20 April 2008

Show tunes in the elevator...

And apparently, special on-site gay health care...
A seniors home for gays and lesbians in the East Vancouver neighbourhood of Mount Pleasant could be the first of its kind in Canada.

The plan is for a condo development featuring living units, a communal dining room, a fitness centre, a lounge and cabaret.
Surely there's a burgeoning market here for, I dunno... a 24-hour Liza Minnelli satellite channel.
Joan Ford and her partner, who hope to eventually buy into the development, see it as an investment in their future well-being, since, like many gays and lesbians, they regard health care as one area where they still face discrimination.

"I don't want to have to face going back into the closet because there's someone looking after me who's homophobic," said Ford.
Yup... gotta get away from those nasty "breeders."

Segregation... there's the answer.


RELATED: Not that there's...

"Anything wrong with that."
"This requirement is related to the risk of the activity and not a person's lifestyle or sexual orientation," said Carole Saindon, a spokesperson for Health Canada, in a statement e-mailed to

"The organs can still be used provided the recipient is aware of the risk and gives consent."