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19 April 2008

Safe-injection, my ass

If Steffi really wanted to save some lives, he'd get behind this idea...
-- LONDON (AP) -- When Jill Bracey Cowley was diagnosed with bone marrow cancer eight years ago, doctors told her she had two years to live. So she decided to take a gamble and try new drugs that hadn't yet been approved.
As a bonus, we'd be trying to save people who actually cared whether they lived or died.
In Britain, there are now 19 centers where terminally ill patients can apply to try untested drugs. While clinics in France, the Netherlands and Italy offer cancer patients experimental treatments, no other European country has such a national network.
And if the Fiberals hadn't pissed away that 2 billion dollars on the "Farmer Bob Rifle Registry"... we'd already have the money to do it.
