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29 April 2008

Oh good, I was a little worried...

They might not be putting those tax dollars to good use...
According to figures obtained by Sun Media under Access to Information, the number of practising Wiccans and Pagans behind bars has tripled in the last five years. In 2002 there were just 25, compared to 77 in 2007, data from the Correctional Service of Canada show.
Apparently it's important to have all the right equipment.
According to an internal CSC manual on religious practices, inmate witches are required to have an altar with candles and incense for worship.

They should also be permitted a wooden wand, robe, tarot cards, figurines, oils and natural objects such as shells, feathers, stones and crystals, the manual reads.
Say, do you think Rastafarians get all their religious needs seen to as well?

I know what altar I'd be worshipping at.


UPDATE: Darcey found the manual
The internal CSC manual is also available online at the CSC website. The Paganism section (under spiritual resources) has been written by one Pashta MaryMoon on behalf of the Pagan Pastoral Outreach and Pagan Federation of Canada.

Clicking through the politically correct bureaucracy is fascinating - did you know that Pagans have their own dietary requirements but which can vary according to their coven and also an individuals conscience?