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15 April 2008

No Cowboys Required... UPDATE

The 23-month-old toddler shot on the Samson First Nation Reservation remains in critical condition in an Edmonton hospital.
"We have 13 gangs here that are operating in Hobbema, so as a result of that, they're all jockeying for a piece of the pie with regards to the drug trade," RCMP spokesman Cpl. Darren Bruno said yesterday.
It appears as though residents here are basically living on a raging battlefield.
"If we speak out, there's gang retaliation. They'll come against your families. That's just how out of hand it is," she said.

"People are saying we should bring the army in. What do you do? What can you do? These people that are in gangs, there's no fear of the law there," she said.
But, hey... never fear... there's gonna be a meeting.
Marvin Yellowbird, chief of the Samson Cree Nation, said a community meeting on gangs and violence is planned in the next few days.

"I'm a grandfather and I have little ones," said Yellowbird. "We are in the process of establishing a committee to address the gangs and violence in our community."
C'mon now, Marv... give yourself a slap.

They start shootin' babies.... it's time to bring in SWAT.


UPDATE: Who are these baby-shootin' freaks?
Twenty-three-month-old Asia Saddleback was shot Sunday night by a stray bullet during a drive-by shooting. The bullet tore through the wall of her house, hitting her in the liver and spine as she ate dinner with her family.