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06 April 2008

No, Anthony... you dumbass...

You could call this place Vatican City... and that won't change a single damn thing with what's wrong here...
"University Heights. That's the new name, all right? ... And we have a logo and everything and you'll be seeing that all over."

-- Ward 8 Councillor Anthony Perruzza, on his mission to rebrand Jane and Finch
I know, I know... I'm such a downer... but this brainstorm is on a par with Stephane Dion's idea to address "climate change"... by calling his dog "Y2kyoto."

See, the thing is... I'm thinking... if you don't actually do something about the horrendous percentage of single parent welfare families... the skyrocketing high-school drop-out rates... the all too prevalent "community" practice of impregnating as many teenage girls as soon you possibly can... not to mention, the alarming habit of settling any and all disputes at the point of a gun... it's not gonna matter if you call this cultural wasteland "Big Rock Candy Mountain."

You can put 'lipstick on a pig', my friend... but it ain't gonna change her personality.

How about actually addressing a few problems here?


The renaming of Jane-Finch to University Heights will have a profound effect, but not the intended one.

When parents start to realize that by attending York U. they are potentially letting their precious children move to a campus only a few blocks from the most dangerous neighbourhood in Canada.

Smart parents will be pulling their kids out of York in favour of safer campuses.
Why not just call it "Utopia"? Any other name is just a half measure.

RELATED: Speaking of IQ... Darwin was right

I don't get it... is not using a seatbelt considered some sort of weird "test of manhood"?
It veered to the right, tilting on two wheels, across four lanes of traffic and hit the guardrail separating the express and collectors lanes, throwing four of the young men from the car. None of the four were wearing their seatbelts, said OPP Const. Dave Woodford,

One of three who wore seatbelts had minor injuries, while the other two, including the driver, weren't injured.
Just buckle up.

It's the law... and it sure beats being turned into a rutabaga.
