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01 April 2008

The next words I'd like to hear...

Out of Richard Warman's mouth, are... "Would you like fries with that?"
"The men and women who serve in the CF these days face every imaginable threat as they defend our way of life and help secure and rebuild Afghanistan."

"I want to find out if Richard Warman, 'Director of Special Grievances', is making their lives easier or harder."

RELATED: Lucy... joo got some 'splainin to do
It seems curious that Senator Cools should become a preoccupation of Freedom Site at the very moment when she'd become one of the leading parliamentary opponents of gay marriage.

But Richard Warman happens to be a member of EGALE (Equality for Gays And Lesbians Everywhere), which supports same-sex marriage, and his former colleagues at the Canadian Human Rights Commission eventually intervened in the Supreme Court reference on the side of gay marriage rights.

Meanwhile, as Paul Wells mentions, at the end of August, Senator Cools announced her intention of intervening before the Supreme Court on the question.

A few days later, Mr Warman, under his pseudonym, apparently posts a vicious attack on Senator Cools as a "n**ger import" and "preachy c**t".