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23 April 2008

The NDP starts making...

Some sort of sense... you know we're really in deep muck...
The province will soon unveil a "comprehensive strategy" to unclog emergency rooms by reducing the number of patients who are taking up hospital beds when they can receive the needed care at home, Health Minister George Smitherman said today.

Smitherman wouldn't provide any details, but promised the plan would look at adjusting the level of services that such "alternate level of care" patients can receive at home, such as nursing and homemaking.
Of course, there's just one small problem here Georgie...
Smitherman's speech was just another "superficial photo op" that paints a false picture of health care in Ontario, said NDP Leader Howard Hampton.

"The reality that's happening out there is, in fact, the opposite," he said.

"People who need home care now can't get it and therefore wind up in hospital in an acute care bed, which then backs up into the emergency room."