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11 April 2008

More argle-bargle from the people...

Who tried to neuter the Canadian military...
Standing beside leaders from the Islamic and Jewish faith, Liberal Leader Stéphane Dion said yesterday if he was Prime Minister he would start a $75 million program to beef up security measures for "at risk" non-profit organizations such as religious schools and places of worship to help protect them against hate crimes.

"When the library burned in the Jewish school in my riding I felt that my children were under attack. I took it personally," Dion said.
So Steffi... how does it make you feel when actual Canadians are actually killed in Afghanistan... in no small part, because successive Fiberal governments chose to starve the military of necessary funding?

Oh... that's different is it?

Ok... you go back to your crusade to throw millions of taxpayer dollars down the shitter on what is basically a municipal policing issue.

Is there any situation Stephane Dion won't exploit, to try get himself some publicity?

Apparently not.


UPDATE: Get a fork... Dion is done


Call me crazy, Stef... but maybe we could beef up security FOR ALL CANADIANS... so we can avoid stuff like this...
The brother of a man who died after driving a car bomb into Glasgow Airport has been jailed for 18 months for withholding information on the attack.

Sabeel Ahmed, 26, of Bangalore, India, pleaded guilty at London's Old Bailey.

RELATED: Not in Canada, you say?
"Take the case of University of Toronto student Salman Hossain. In February, the National Post revealed that Hossain, a political science student at the school’s Mississauga campus, had been posting online comments calling for the death of Canadian soldiers."

"'Canadian soldiers in Canadian soil who are training to go to Afghanistan or Iraq are legitimate targets to be killed,' he wrote in one post."
