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29 April 2008

Let the Liberals...

Take over rescuing Ms. Congeniality... and the federal government can go back to looking after the other thousand Canadians imprisoned abroad...
"It's a process than can take nine months if both sides agree, yet Ms. Martin could set a record for speedy departures if she's released this week. Not good enough, fumed Ms. Martin after a meeting with two MPs, the Canadian ambassador and a few embassy officials."

"She wants a flight home now, wants to be spared the standard handcuffing while in transit and wants parole upon landing."
Let's not forget, the Canadian government also paid her court imposed fine and you know... sure as the sun rises in the east... she's gonna be suing the government... as soon as her Beauty Queen feet hit Canadian soil.


FROM THE COMMENTS: Talk about the "kiss of death"
"perhaps martin is innocent and has every right to be pissed at the ass clowns in ottawa who hung her out to dry."
Well, Jeffy... I'm sure she'll be happy to have your unequivocal support.

BTW... how's that "problem-drinking thing" coming along?


RELATED: Okay... who's next?
According to the U.S. State Department, Mr. Abdelrazik was “closely associated with Abu Zubaydah, Osama bin Laden's lieutenant responsible for recruiting and for al-Qaeda's network of training camps in Afghanistan.”