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14 April 2008

I've never really understood...

The commercials showing noted enviro-whore David Suzuki, apparently breaking into, or better yet... sawing holes through... peoples houses.

The message seems to be that we're all just too stupid to figure things out by ourselves.

You have to ask yourself, what exactly are these people selling?
The commercial opens with snow-capped mountains and pristine alpine lakes. It ends with a claim to be a green company, selling green goods to green-minded consumers.

But is the firm really environmentally friendly, or are they engaging in greenwashing -- the false or misleading practice of advertising green but operating dirty?

"It's an area in which we are expecting complaints to increase," says Janet Feasby, vice-president of Advertising Standards Canada. "The more green claims we see, the more complaints we get."
As always, my friends... buyer beware.


RELATED: Remember... "The Internet ate my poll?"
