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23 April 2008

It was June 6, 1944...

And all up and down the fearsome "Atlantic Wall"... Field Marshal Rommel's stunned troopers sat down in their trenches and cried... "Ach du liebe, Hans... are they allowed to do that?"
-- DESERONTO, ON -- Many of the protesters, including spokesman Dan Doreen, were visibly upset after encountering such a strong show of manpower by OPP, whom Doreen said appeared to "want to fight."

Doreen decried the use of OPP "SWAT teams" and said the demonstration was "not a fight with the OPP, but it is a fight with Mr. Nibourg and ... for him to stay off our goddamn land."

"I want every developer ... that plans to develop in Deseronto to stay the hell out or we're going to go through this again and again and again and again until it's done," he said in an interview with Quinte Broadcasting.

"We're sick and tired of having to come down to Deseronto every week and protect our land. We're sick of it."
Well, Danny... maybe you should call 1-800-CRY-BABY.

'Cos you've pretty much used up all our sympathy this week.
