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08 April 2008

Iran stares into the abyss

Obviously, even the newest round of UN sanctions will have no effect on the mad mullahs in Tehran...
Iran has begun installing 6,000 new centrifuges at its main nuclear site in Natanz, state media quoted President Mahmoud Ahmadinejad as saying. He made the comments during a visit to mark Iran's national nuclear day.

Iran is already thought to have some 3,000 centrifuges - which are used to enrich uranium - at the Natanz plant.
The sanctions, as anyone over the age of seven realises, are simply political theatre.

Regardless... there will be no Iranian nuclear bomb.

Lemme see if I can simplify this for all the misguided lefties, who, while raging about the dangers of domestic nuclear power plants... are perfectly willing to let medieval theocracies mess around with fissionable material.

Q: "What's flat, black... and glows in the dark?"

You're gonna have to trust me on this one, my demented hippy friends... but as sure as the sun rises in the east... it ain't gonna be Tel-Aviv.


UPDATE: Well... this is timely
Israel is conducting a five-day home front exercise to test preparedness for missile attacks with nuclear, chemical or biological weapons.

In a test on Tuesday, air-raid sirens wailed across Israel, sending school children running to bomb shelters.