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26 April 2008

In other homegrown terrorist news...

Wonder what Dalton's gonna give them this time around...
-- Caledonia, ON -- A council of Six Nations men has decided that their ongoing blockade of the Highway 6 bypass in Caledonia will continue until police back off in a Deseronto, Ont. native dispute.

Six Nations protest spokesperson Brian Skye said the Caledonia blockade, which has slowed traffic in the town, could last a long time.
Geez... there's a shocker.


UPDATE: Well... they talk a good game
-- CALEDONIA, Ont. -- Tensions over First Nations protests in two Ontario communities have largely subsided, the head of the Ontario Provincial Police said early Sunday.

"It's a very quiet situation right now,'' Julian Fantino said in a phone interview from Caledonia. "We're on the ground still....we'll keep on doing what we have to do."

UPDATE: Blockade is up again
Six Nations protesters are continuing to block the Highway 6 bypass today after police backed off an attempt to clear the road last night. The road is now barricaded with a downed hydro tower, wires and a telephone pole.

The situation has angered some area residents, who are complaining police treat native and non-natives differently. “If any of us blockaded a road they would come in full force,” said Bill, a Caledonia resident who did not want his last name used.
C'mon Bill... special rights for special people.


LAST WORD: "Run, Forrest, run!!!"

Stoogeleft wants to know... "What is a land claim?"

Well, Stooge... is it when the grandson of a Mohawk chief sells off... presumably for a profit... the land he inherits from his family... and 170 years later, some unrelated people want it back?
"Oh yeah... this wily Culbertson dude who supposedly perpetrated the horrendous fraud on the poor aboriginals... was the grandson of John Desorontyon - the Mohawk chief to whom the entire eastern land grant to Mohawks was made."

"Funny how nobody ever mentions that in their manifesto."