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29 April 2008

"I hope Steyn takes the letter..."

"...crumbles it up and dips it in a cup of ketchup and then eats it right there on stage in front of them."

"Oh God, hear my prayer, please let this happen."
Even the collateral damage is pretty pleasing.
...and generally served to marginalize the pro-censorship lobby to the point that its main defender is now a disgruntled former journalist who fills his blog with unhinged conspiracy theories about how everyone who favours free speech is a racist.
Ooooh... that's gonna leave a mark.


RELATED: Paging Richard Warman...

Hey, buddy... you may wanna steer clear of this place for a little while.
A Montreal gay bar, Bar Le Stud, told a woman named Audrey Vachon that she wasn't allowed in -- it was a men-only establishment, and had been happily operating that way for eleven years.

Then the human rights commissions got involved, and Bar Le Stud has copped a plea bargain.

Misguided gay rights activists -- like Darren Lund, and even Richard Warman -- have used the bludgeon of human rights commissions to batter down the real rights of others. But they have laid down precedents that, in this case at least, are being used against gays.