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27 April 2008

His numbers may be down...

But George Bush sure isn't sittin' around... feelin' sorry for himself.
-- WASHINGTON -- U.S. President George Bush poked fun at his potential successors Saturday night, expressing surprise that none of them were in the audience at the White House Correspondents' Association annual dinner.

"Senator McCain's not here," Bush said of GOP nominee-in-waiting John McCain. "He probably wanted to distance himself from me a little bit."

" You know, he's not alone. Jenna's moving out too."

RELATED: Meanwhile... back at Obamarama...
The difficulty is understandable. Some of the contradictions are inexplicable.

How does one explain campaigning throughout 2007 on a platform of transcending racial divisions, while in that same year contributing $26,000 to a church whose pastor incites race hatred?

"Imagine if Harper went to a church that degraded another 'race'?"

"The MSM would be orgasmic."

LAST WORD: Apparently, Hillary is the new Al Gore
"One thing many people haven’t noticed about Hillary Clinton’s 55% to 45% victory over Barack Obama in the Pennsylvania primary is that it put her ahead of Obama in the popular vote."