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02 April 2008

Hey... this is 'Toronto the Good'

I thought we weren't allowed to track these kinds of statistics...
Trustees can't vote to create an Africentric school and then ignore higher dropout rates in other communities, one public trustee argues.

Toronto District School Board trustee Josh Matlow will introduce six motions tonight asking board staff to address an achievement gap among Arabic, Somali, Vietnamese, Persian, Portuguese and Spanish-speaking students.
And Josh provides very specific numbers to bolster his argument.

I just can't for the life of me, imagine where... in oh, so politically correct Hogtown... he gets this kind of data.
In his motions, Matlow lists alarmingly high dropout rates for each group: Portuguese 43%, Hispanic 39%, Somali 37%, Persian 31%, Arabic (Farsi-speaking) 28% and Vietnamese 25%.
Paging Mayor Miller...


RELATED: More sad news from Ottawa
Apparently "Lucy" Warman has Alzheimers.