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28 April 2008

Have it your way

Don't be too surprised if ol' Baitullah gets turned into something resembling "special sauce" in the near future...
Pakistan's top Taliban commander has suspended rare peace talks with the country's new government.

A spokesman for Baitullah Mehsud said Monday that Mehsud broke off the talks because the government is refusing to withdraw the army from a tribal region bordering Afghanistan. There has been no word from government officials.

Last week, Mehsud ordered his fighters to stop attacking Pakistan forces, as reports surfaced the government had begun negotiating a 15-point peace deal with his group.
I'm not sure why they gave this guy the option... but now he's back at the top of the class.
The United States and Pakistani President Pervez Musharraf have accused Mehsud of planning last year's assassination of former Prime Minister Benazir Bhutto. Mehsud denies the charge.
Bye-bye Baitullah.
