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27 April 2008

Game, Set and Match

Say... has anybody seen Jeffy "Bugboy" Davidson lately?
-- LA Story -- So I'm at the Los Angeles Times Festival of Books. I've done my paneling duties, and I'm sitting under a tent to sign books. The (short) queue terminates, and up comes a guy with a videocamera.

"Remember me?" Amd I do - it's the same 9/11 denialist who showed up at a LA Public Library event I did some weeks ago.

"Still think I need stronger medication?" (A reference to what I'd told him at the prior encounter.)

I said: "Actually I regret I didn't tell you what my friend Christopher Hitchens told you - F—- off."

I returned to my conversation with my fellow tent residents. The camera kept on, which bugged me. So I walked over to him and snapped it shut. He was visibly startled, but he turned the camera back on. So I snapped it shut again. He began to shout: "I've been assaulted by David Frum! I've been assasulted by David Frum!"

I was tempted to answer, "Now you see the violence inherent in the system," but I thought the reference would be lost on him. Festival security intervened, and led him away, still shouting.