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11 April 2008

Canadian Leftosphere Rejoices

Apparently God IS... on their side...
"Twenty-three centimetres of snow in about five hours,” emails Calgary’s Brett F. “No snow outside the city in any direction - it’s like we were targeted."

"I guess that’s what we get for so openly mocking the gods of Earth Hour.”

RELATED: Who says kissing commie butt...

Doesn't get results?
China has unblocked the Canadian Broadcasting Corporation's websites, a week after the broadcaster's president formally complained to Chinese officials.

"We have today heard that access to CBC/Radio-Canada's English and French websites in China is no longer blocked," said Hubert T. Lacroix in a letter to China's ambassador to Canada, Lu Shumin.

"I am writing to thank you personally for what I assume was your expeditious assistance in this matter."
Another proud moment in Canadian broadcasting.
