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12 April 2008

Another Steffi... 'in training'

There is no problem so big... it cannot be run away from...
Has the province just called "uncle," tapped out, admitted defeat?

Unfortunately, that is the message it has just sent to native protesters in Brantford and surrounding areas. The province might as well have said "we give up!"

If it were April 1, I would have shrugged it off as a joke, however reading it in the April 9 edition of the Teka news,(a Six Nations newspaper ) it was stated that while at a Confederacy chiefs council meeting, the lead provincial negotiator, Murray Coolican, has come up with a dim witted plan to freeze development along the Haldimand Tract, for a minimum of two years in return for natives to stop their protests.

This proposal from the McGuinty government has just yelled out loud and clear to native protesters, "you're winning, keep it up!"
Another predictably shameful performance from the lunatic left.


RELATED: It's usually called "aiding & abetting"
The Tekawennake quotes Coolican saying: "We need to turn the heat down right now. It can be turned up at any point again."

Coolican could not be contacted Friday.