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03 April 2008

And guess what?

If they run into the same circumstances again tomorrow... they'll be perfectly justified in doing exactly the same thing...
-- KANDAHAR, Afghanistan -- One person was killed and three others injured when a Canadian military convoy opened fire on a vehicle from a private security company "THAT FAILED TO HEED REPEATED DEMANDS TO STOP" - (emphasis mine) - the military said Thursday.
At some point, these hapless "security guards" are just gonna hafta learn... "No means NO."


RELATED: At a Nuclear Power Plant near you?

Meet Rehmat... holocaust denier, and apparently, Canadian Muslim... who also claims to be a 'Power-generation Engineer.'

LAST WORD: Calling Agent 'Special K'

Hey, Warren... you don't have to prowl washrooms to find warts on the ass of Canadian society.

Meet "Rehmat - Administrator and Hero Member"... who apparently has the skinny on those "crazy, lyin Joos."
"Many suffer from an autosomal recessive trait that goes back thousands of years and which manifests as congenital lying, delusional behaviour and paranoia."
Did I mention ol' crazyhead Rehmat... says he works at a power generating plant?

(via bcf)